Is there anyone alive who doesn’t get a kick out of ticking stuff off a list?
We love lists. There, we said it.
And it seems we’re not alone. People find information broken down into manageable snippets, much more appealing. In daily life, to do lists and shopping lists make us more organized, more efficient.
Lists are easy to scan for information… and we always know how much is left.
The book-block, featuring 56 pages, is made of uncoated white, high quality offset-paper, with a good weight of 120g/m (around 82lbs). You can write and scribble on it with close to every drawing tool you like. The cover is made of durable Kraft paper.
Check the gallery– get a book that is lovingly thought through – no need to draw lines before you can start, start it right away!
Take your list making and anti-procrastination to the next level. With a real book. You will love it.